Hard times for everyone, either due to economic problems or for war reasons. In all the most important manufacturing sectors, sales are going slowly and in the absence of incentives there are fears that many production organizations will not be able to overcome the stress to which they are subjected.
Only two events will remain of agricultural mechanization
Confirmation is provided by the trend of sector and non-sector trade fairs, with the former all experiencing a downward reclassification, moving, when things go well, from international to national and from national to regional. With the French Sima salon even closing its doors. The only exceptions in this context are the German Agritechnica fair and the Italian Eima fair, which have reconfirmed themselves as points of reference in the sector and, as such, can be classified without a shadow of a doubt as international events and therefore indispensable for all those companies that operate on a global level or that find themselves in export is their core business. And precisely to consolidate this positioning, FederUnacoma recently announced the launch of a development plan aimed at expanding and modernizing the Bolognese exhibition structures that host Eima every two years. In view of a 2025 edition which will bring around one thousand and eight hundred exhibitors and around eighty foreign delegations to Biologna, and in light of further future developments, the entire district will be completely revised in terms of layout, the access routes will be strengthened communication and outside it, large green areas will also be created which can be used as open spaces for events outside the show.
Specific support for companies

FederUnacoma, however, is aware that the success of a company does not derive only from participation in this or that event, but from the quality of the products and the ability to communicate this quality to end users. Hence the launch of a specific structure, the “Higher Training Academy for Industry”, in the acronym “Afi”, which will have the task of responding to the need for new skills that emerges within companies, not only in mechanics agricultural but also similar industrial sectors. The imbalance between the professional skills currently present in companies and those that would instead be required is in fact increasingly accentuated, so much so that a recent survey carried out by Unioncamere has highlighted that in the current year 74 percent of Italian companies industry and services expect to have to invest in updating their internal staff.
Regions and universities with FederUnacoma
The Academy will organize a wide range of courses and seminars in partnership with Regions and Universities and in this context certifications of the skills acquired by the participants are also envisaged. Among the first focuses of the Academy are marketing techniques, business management, the approach to foreign markets, compliance with regulations and communication, all activities that must be approached through competent professional figures who are constantly updated on the evolution of the various sectors.
Title: Only two events will remain of agricultural mechanization
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