Matermacc “Unica” series hoes, suitable for every need

Matermacc “Unica” series hoes

The fight against wild plants was once delegated to manual tools, like hoes. Later, chemicals made weeding easier, but this approach encountered issues that have progressively limited the use of herbicides. Environmental aspects, for instance, have led to the creation of “buffer zones,” minimum distances to be maintained from water bodies, roads, or houses that can reach up to thirty meters. Not to mention the increasing phenomena of weed resistance, which require different technical approaches for management. To mitigate both issues, mechanical cultivation with specific equipment, such as hoes, has come back into fashion. These tools physically eliminate weeds, allowing work up to the edges of fields without any limitations.

Matermacc “Unica” Series hoes

Matermacc “Unica” series hoes

However, each farm and crop has its own requirements, so differentiated solutions are needed based on mission profiles. In this regard, Matermacc offers the “Unica” range, with a variety of models and versions that allow for row spacing from a minimum of 40 centimeters to a maximum of 80, depending on the model. Simple and compact in design, the entry level is represented by the “Unica-F” series, with a fixed frame available in 11 versions ranging from four to 12 rows with three to five springs per row. Designed for farms not interested in road transport, they allow for hoeing and distribution of granular fertilizers thanks to the presence of two 215-liter tanks or a single 580 or 1000-liter tank. Following this are the “Unica Pm,” for small and medium-sized farms. They feature manually folding frames and are available in two models: six rows with three springs or four rows with five springs, with the same tank options as the “F.”

Specific for Contractors

Matermacc “Unica” series hoes

The “Unica Super-L” model, with a triple fixed frame and robust frame carrier, is aimed at contractors and large agricultural enterprises. Capable of operating on widths over 12 meters, it features 16 rows with five springs each and high volumetric capacity for fertilizers, thanks to the four 580-liter tanks. During transport, a support wheel allows the machine to be positioned longitudinally relative to the direction of travel.

Lastly, the Matermacc “Unica Pvi,” “Unica Pvi EasySet,” and “Unica Pvi Super” hoes, with the first two foldable via hydraulic actuation and the “Unica Pvi EasySet” offering the ability to hoe different crops with the same machine by simply changing the row spacing. There are eight “Unica Pvi” models, ranging from six to 12 rows with optional 800 or 1000-liter tanks, and two “Unica Pvi EasySet” models, with setups of six or eight rows with five springs each and a 930-liter fertilizer tank. Finally, the “Unica Pvi Super” model features a vertical hydraulic folding frame, 12 rows, and five springs per row.

Title: Matermacc “Unica” series hoes, suitable for every need

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