Jcb celebrates the production of its millionth engine. Engine production began in 2004 at the Jcb Power Systems factory in Foston, Derbyshire, and expanded to India in 2010 in Ballabgarh, Delhi, with the opening of a dedicated factory. From producing three engines a day 20 years ago, Jcb today produces around 500 a day, taking on a global role in the design, development and production of diesel engines, and is now a pioneer in the development of hydrogen combustion engines.
Jcb’s goal
Engines produced by Jcb Power Systems have played a vital role in helping to set world records: firstly in 2006, when the JCB Dieselmax streamliner special vehicle, powered by two Jcb engines, became the world’s fastest diesel vehicle, achieving the speed of 563.42 km/h (350.092 mph) on the Bonneville Salt Flats, in the United States, a record that still stands. Then in 2019, when JCB’s Fastrac tractor broke into the record books as the world’s fastest tractor with a speed of 217.57 km/h (135.191 mph), thanks to its 7.2-litre, 6-cylinder Dieselmax engine by Jcb.
A team of more than 150 engineers is currently developing high-tech hydrogen combustion engines for use in JCB vehicles as part of an investment of around £100m. Over 120 engines of this type have rolled off the production line so far, and many machines powered by these super-efficient and innovative engines are currently under development and evaluation.
Title: Jcb marks the milestone of its millionth engine
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