Italian agrimechanics at the agricultural G7

L’agrimeccanica italiana al G7 dell’agricoltura

From 21 to 29 September the agricultural G7 will be held in Syracuse on the island of Ortigia, a forum attended by the agricultural policy ministers of Canada, France, Germany, Japan, Italy, the United Kingdom and the United States of America as well as European Union represented at the top by the President of the European Council and the President of the European Commission. The discussions will resume what was foreseen in the document approved in the previous Agricultural G7 held last year in Miyazaki, Japan and concluded with the indication of the priority actions necessary to make agri-food systems more sustainable, productive and resilient.

The exceptional protagonist of the event will be FederUnacoma, the Association of manufacturers in the sector, as the organizing body of the exhibition and conference activities, with the former taking the form of four exhibition areas, located in several points of the island and set up with settings that will reproduce some of national production excellence by inserting in each of them the agricultural machinery and technologies closest to these areas. A wheat field, a simulation of horticultural crops, an olive grove and an orchard-vineyard area are planned, as well as open-air exhibitions which will be accompanied by a large series of seminars and conferences as well as events dedicated to the African countries that will participate in the work of the G7.

FederUnacoma will operate in collaboration with the Ministry of Agriculture with the aim of promoting those national agricultural machines which in 2023 gave rise to a production worth over 16 billion euros, 70 percent of which was exported and a harbinger of a trade balance of a sector with a profit of almost six billion euros.

Title: Italian agrimechanics at the agricultural G7

Translation with Google

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