Merlo “Multifarmer”: Comfort and Technology

Hard times for those who prefer working with planned and certain bases. Nowadays, it is especially difficult to predict market trends, particularly for activities such as agriculture and livestock farming, which are influenced by a myriad of economic factors and are also at the mercy of climatic instabilities that negatively affect yields. In this context, it’s clear that investments in work equipment must be made with great caution, especially when they are significant and aimed at renewing or expanding machinery fleets. Compromises must be made between adopting an evolution in…

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Farmers’ protests, the point with the spotlights off

The farmers’ protests against the most absurd regulations proposed by the Common Agricultural Policy (CAP) began in Germany a few months ago when Olaf Scholz’s government decided to eliminate subsidies for agricultural diesel. The fuel issue was merely the spark for a protest that quickly spread across Europe with partly local motivations but two common denominators. One was linked to the Common Agricultural Policy, characterized by the “Green New Deal” program primarily developed by Dutchman Frans Timmermans and supported by the current European government. ù Another point of contention was…

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Fendt “728 Vario Gen7”, results like a king

First in average performance and first in fuel efficiency. But also first in comfort level and ease of management. The tests conducted by the German agricultural machinery testing and analysis organization “Dlg” on new market entries have left no doubts in the case of the Fendt “728 Vario Gen7”. A demonstration of balance The German tractor excelled in almost all test areas, indicating an operational balance that few other tractors can match. It should be noted that the Dlg tests are the most rigorous a tractor can face. They last…

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Agriculture before the tractor

The history of agricultural mechanization is closely linked to that of the tractor. However, the tractor was the result of an evolution that began in the very early 1700s when steam engines began to spread, units which for the industrialization of the Western World can be considered akin to the “Big Bang” that gave rise to the Universe. The first agricultural tractors produced in limited series appeared in the United States in 1892 but were called “gasoline traction engines” or “traction engines.” A few years later, at the beginning of…

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Varied and reliable: here is the Krone round baler range

gamma rotopresse krone

Collinear or plain and of industrial or family sizes, Italian farms represent one of the most diversified agricultural and zootechnical production landscapes in Europe. In addition to this entrepreneurial reality, there are professional subcontractors who, by their very mission, are compelled to meet the most diverse requests from clients. In fact, it is a true productive universe with highly varied haymaking needs that can only be met through specialized equipment with diverse technological, performance, and operational characteristics. Krone round baler: the top is the “Varipack” series Confirming this diverse offering…

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Pakelo, red and italian

Strange people, the Italians. Almost 69 million individuals ready to celebrate and chant patriotism when the National Football Team wins an international tournament, yet they live as strangers under the same roof in their daily lives without the slightest nationalistic anxiety. Apart from a few productive sectors, primarily automotive, clothing, and high-end food, the average Italian often regards most domestic products as qualitatively inferior to foreign competitors. This mindset has no logical basis and particularly affects the agricultural mechanization sector. In this field, Made in Italy is actually considered a…

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Agco expands into Finland

Research and development, as well as production automation, are the two recipient areas of the 70 million dollar investment allocated by the Agco group for the expansion of the Agco Power plant in Linnavuori, Finland. The new buildings, ready between the end of 2024 and the beginning of 2025 and which will occupy a total area of ​​11 thousand square metres, will in fact host a laboratory for the development of propulsion systems with reduced environmental impact, with the focus being oriented both on cell technology fuel powered by alternative…

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Bkt, continuous expansion: here is the tire called “PowerTrailer Sr 331”

Medium-high power agricultural tractors are known to work on the road for at least half of their life pulling heavy trailers. It is no coincidence that the majority of agricultural tire manufacturers are progressively adding tires characterized by treads that are less aggressive towards the ground and therefore capable of exhibiting lower energy absorption on the road, alongside the classic crampon tyres, a trend that the manufacturers themselves had previously already approached at the level of floating tyres, those used to equip trailers, and which was also recently done by…

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With Ferrari “Vega” series model year 2024 only the best

Renewed in technical content and functional solutions, Ferrari’s top-of-the-line isodiametric tractors, the “Vega” series, find their most evolved and comprehensive offer in the “Vega 85” models. They are available in four versions: articulated, steering, “DualSteer,” and “Mt,” and boast all the latest technologies developed by Bcs Group. Technical innovation combined with product diversification has always been one of the prerogatives that have allowed the Bcs Group to play a leading role in the agricultural mechanization sector over the past 80 years. An industrial philosophy that encompasses all commercial areas covered…

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Tractor brand “Ursus” closes

The Polish brand “Ursus” leaves the scene. Born in 1893, he was for a long time a protagonist of the agricultural mechanization of Eastern Europe, but for some time he had entered into a debt spiral which on March 14 last induced the owners of the Dutch mixer wagon manufacturer Trioliet not to oppose the proposal bankruptcy filed in the Warsaw court by creditors Getin Noble Bank and Pko Bp. Now the entire production assets and the rights relating to the Ursus brand have been auctioned with a starting price…

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