Agricultural vehicles, Federacma’s requests on insurance obligation and new technical roundtable

Immediate extension of the insurance obligation for third-party liability for all agricultural vehicles, even if stationary or not in use on the road, and a simultaneous ministerial call for a technical roundtable to address the issues related to the implementation of the so-called “static risk” regulation. These are the requests that emerged from the meeting of the agricultural sector held today at the Confcommercio Roma headquarters, organized by Federacma, the Confcommercio Federation of national associations of agricultural and gardening machinery dealers, which first raised the issue. Since last July, all…

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The voice of crops

Monitoring the health and stress levels of plants in real-time through an accurate analysis of their sap is the goal of an innovative sensor technology developed by Plantvoice, an Italian start-up. They have created a non-invasive, phytocompatible device that can be inserted directly into the stem of the plant to monitor its internal physiological data in real-time. The monitoring is conducted using a “sentinel plant” approach, evaluating a representative plant within a homogeneous agricultural plot, typically around one hectare in size. Once the data is collected, the sensor sends it…

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Cnh sells Kongskilde and abandons the full-line strategy

According to the Italian portal Meccagri, which in turn cites the French portal “Matériel Agricole,” the CNH group is reportedly on the verge of selling its Danish division, which operates in the market under the Kongskilde brand. The news comes from a letter addressed to partners and distributors by Carlo Alberto Sisto, President of CNH for the EMEA region (Europe, Middle East, and Africa). In the letter, he announced the sale of Kongskilde, without mentioning the buyer, who, according to some rumors, might be the Italian group Seko, specialized in…

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The harsh law of the honey market

According to a report released by the U.S. Department of Agriculture in March 2024, honey production in the United States increased by 11 percent in 2023 compared to 2022, despite a six percent decrease in bee colonies. Each colony produced an average of 17 percent more than the previous year, providing about 25 kilograms annually on average. Meanwhile, as per the law of supply and demand, honey prices decreased by 16 percent, falling to just over five dollars per kilogram compared to over six dollars in 2022. Additionally, American beekeepers…

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Wine innovation

The uncertainties of the global economic and geopolitical landscape, amid climate crises, energy shocks, and inflation, have not dampened the spirit of innovation among Italian winemaking companies. This was revealed in a recent study by Ismea, conducted on a sample of 197 winemaking companies, which highlights that three out of four companies in the sector invested between 2017 and 2021 to renew structures and modernize plants and processes. An even higher percentage, 78 percent, also expressed their willingness to invest in the next five years, despite the rather critical situation…

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Agco, there’s a difference between decline and crisis

The cyclical difficulties affecting the global primary sector have also negatively impacted Agco’s financial results in the first quarter of 2024. The American group closed the first three months of the current year with total revenue of $2.928 billion, down 12.1 percent compared to the $3.333 billion achieved in the same period in 2023. Net income also declined, decreasing by 27.7 percent year-on-year, from $232.6 million in the first quarter of last year to $168 million in 2024. As with other industrial groups in the sector, the drop in revenue…

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To defend against downy mildew, here is Gowan’s copper

Copper plays a dual role in agriculture. It can be used as an agrochemical against various downy mildews, but it is also a valuable microelement involved in multiple metabolic processes, primarily photosynthesis. For these reasons, copper finds its optimal use in viticulture, representing one of the fundamental pillars in plant protection while also meeting the specific nutritional requirements for this element. Additionally, due to its multi-site mode of action, copper effectively helps combat the phenomenon of resistance. However, copper is utilized in agrochemicals in different forms, each with its own…

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Agriculture, after the European elections there is a lot to rebuild

On the weekend of June 8th and 9th, the European elections will take place, an event where approximately 359 million citizens will participate, most of whom are increasingly aware of the important role agriculture plays in society. In Italy alone, according to a survey conducted in 2022, a full 96 percent of the population views the protection of rural areas as a primary goal for the future, seeing farmers as the main source of high-quality food production, to be achieved with respect for animal welfare and the environment. The same…

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Record for the italian agriculture 4.0

New record for the Italian Agriculture 4.0 market, which in 2023 reached a turnover of two and a half billion euros, a 19 percent increase compared to the previous year. This is the finding of a recent study conducted by the Smart Agrifood Observatory of the School of Management of the Politecnico di Milano. The study highlights that although investments continue their growth trend, in a year characterized by the significant impact of climate change on the national primary sector, the areas of investment for Italian agricultural companies are changing.…

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Python meat coming soon

Between now and 2050 it is known that agriculture and animal husbandry will have to feed many more people than currently. At an agricultural level, production will have to be forced to achieve higher specific yields, while in the livestock sector we are thinking about alternative meats to the current ones. Among these, and in pole position in the East, is python meat, a food which, according to a study published by the magazine “Scientific Reports”, offers high-yield proteins and low levels of fat with a low environmental impact. It…

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