A tool for creating a system
The Agromechanics Yearbook “Protagonisti 2025” – published by Editoriale Orsa Maggiore and Meccagri – reports the names and roles of all those who deal with information and communication within newspapers, institutions, service structures and companies, divided into categories. Thanks to the Yearbook, journalists can contact the communications managers of institutions and companies, and the managers of the press and marketing offices of companies can have a complete map for their “media relations”. The Federation of Agricultural Machinery Manufacturers has provided its support to this yearbook since the first edition in 2021, convinced that the dissemination of information and collaboration between manufacturers and newspapers is of great use for the entire world of agromechanics.
Agromechanics Yearbook Protagonisti 2025 in paper and digital format
In addition to the paper format which maintains its functionality, the “2025 e-Yearbook” also published on Macchine Trattori has the prerogative of being consultable with a few clicks wherever you are, without space and weight hindering its accessibility, An extra gear therefore, induced by a renewed digital version that complements the paper version.