Furio Oldani The European Union defines artificial intelligence, in the acronym “Ai” or “Ia” depending on whether the terminology is Anglo-Saxon or Italian, “the ability of a machine to demonstrate human capabilities such as reasoning, learning, planning and creativity.” AI therefore allows systems to perceive the surrounding environments, to relate to them and to act to grasp specific objectives, solving any problems that may arise. The systems operating on the basis of Ai analysis are in practice capable of adapting their own behavior and therefore that of the hardware they…
Read MoreDay: 8 January 2025
Intelligent automation, the era of automatons in agriculture
Andrea Castelli The robotics sector is one of the pillars of the current technological evolution, thanks to its growing penetration in every socio-economic field. As proof of this, the data recently released by the International Federation of Robotics, the organization representing the global robotics industry, through the report “World Robotics 2024 Service Robots”. Dedicated to the analysis of the service robot segment, whose function is to replace or integrate human activity in the resolution of specific tasks, the report highlights how this technological segment is experiencing a particularly flourishing period…
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