Pakelo, red and italian

Strange people, the Italians. Almost 69 million individuals ready to celebrate and chant patriotism when the National Football Team wins an international tournament, yet they live as strangers under the same roof in their daily lives without the slightest nationalistic anxiety. Apart from a few productive sectors, primarily automotive, clothing, and high-end food, the average Italian often regards most domestic products as qualitatively inferior to foreign competitors. This mindset has no logical basis and particularly affects the agricultural mechanization sector. In this field, Made in Italy is actually considered a…

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Python meat coming soon

Between now and 2050 it is known that agriculture and animal husbandry will have to feed many more people than currently. At an agricultural level, production will have to be forced to achieve higher specific yields, while in the livestock sector we are thinking about alternative meats to the current ones. Among these, and in pole position in the East, is python meat, a food which, according to a study published by the magazine “Scientific Reports”, offers high-yield proteins and low levels of fat with a low environmental impact. It…

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