McCormick “X5.120 P3-Drive”: smart technology

The intelligent use of technology stands as one of the paramount challenges modern society is tasked with addressing. Technological innovations must not only be accessible to all, a prerequisite for them to truly become a social “revolution,” but they must also primarily serve to facilitate and simplify the lives of those who use them daily. Innovations at the Service of Users From this perspective, each innovation must be tailored to serve the specific purpose for which it was created, thereby assisting users in enhancing their quality of life or work…

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Tractors: protests in India

After Europe, India is also experiencing tensions triggered by the strong protest of local farmers. Last February, thousands of people have in fact he was trying to march towards the New capital Delhi, clashing with the police forces. The agents they shot at their tear gas nearby at the border of Shambhu which it divides the northern states of Punjab and Haryana, almost 200 kilometres from the capital. The procession of agricultural vehicles, trucks and carts loaded with food and other furniture started later that the talks between the leaders…

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